I recently had the chance to sit down with Evan “Chuck Inglish” Ingersol and Antwon “Mikey Rocks” Reed of The Cool Kids during the All Points West festival. The duo shared some insights on staying cool and original in the ever-changing music scene. Mikey, with a touch of humor, admitted he’s on “The Twitter,” though he doesn’t claim to be the best at it. Meanwhile, Chuck shared his love for Jordans, naming the 60 Plus series and the OG black 11s as his favorites. Mikey, on the other hand, prefers rocking the 8s or 5s. They’re gearing up to release their debut LP, tentatively titled When Fish Ride Bikes, following the success of their EP, The Bake Sale. The conversation covered everything from the challenges of the music industry to connecting with fans while keeping their creativity intact.
One of the standout performances I caught was the Marlon Jordan Quartet in the Jazz Tent. Marlon’s trumpet delivered powerful, sweet melodies that captivated the crowd, while drummer Jason Marsalis set the rhythm that brought the entire performance to life.
When it comes to sneakers, some buyers knowingly go for replicas, while others fall for them unknowingly. Replica sneakers often look convincing but are made with subpar materials. They tend to wear out quickly, with soles deteriorating like erasers and stitching coming apart after minimal use. This lack of durability is a stark contrast to authentic pairs, which are crafted with premium materials and designed to last.
If you’re shopping for deals, don’t always settle for quotes on comparison websites. These prices might not be the best available. Instead, visit company websites directly or reach out to providers by phone to negotiate for a better deal. Sometimes, a little extra effort can result in significant savings.
For summer fun, you don’t need to spend a fortune. A cheap Jordans shoes-level investment can get you a blow-up pool or a sprinkler for the backyard. These can transform your yard into a personal water park for your family, saving money on season tickets while offering endless enjoyment. Add water balloons and toys, and you’ve created an unforgettable summer experience.
Taking care of your wardrobe staples, like bras, can save you money in the long run. Avoid common habits that shorten their lifespan, such as tossing them into the dirty laundry without care, washing them with other clothes, and putting them in the dryer. These steps may seem convenient but can cause unnecessary wear and tear.
Finally, for those who love casual comfort, Vans has you covered for your next beach outing. Their Widow Slide sandals combine the bold style of their classic shoes with beach-ready functionality. Featuring a sturdy strap, cushioned footbed, and signature Vans flair, they let you hit the beach in unmatched comfort and style.
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